Friday, May 20, 2011

The First Cloned Animal Ever!      In 2001, the first ever animal was cloned. The name of this cute and adorable kitten is "CC" short for "Carbon Copy.” In 2006, she gave birth to a healthy litter of three. Many scientists have tried cloning dogs, yet in 2003, they were successful with the "Snuppy," the world’s first cloned canine. They use the cloned dogs to sniff out explosives, drugs and other materials. After the success with "CC" and "Snupy", they created Dolly the sheep, who died at the age of six. Once scientists studied this, they proved the fact that it had nothing to do with cloning Dolly. The cloning animals all listed here have a life spand of about twelve years.

To learn more about cloned animals visit:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Angry Bird Attacks Reconized Face!

While Won Young Lee was researching the Magpies, the bird took a dive-bomb onto Lee's face. Lee has worked with these birds before; installing cameras in the nest's. During the attack, Lee was already counting the amount of egg's per nest. Lee is a student at at Seoul National University, stating that
"I remember when a magpie came down from a nest tree scolding at me, I was with a second researcher at that time, and I tried to fool the magpie by giving my cap to the other person. But this did not work! When I moved away the bird followed me rather than the fellow observer wearing my cap." From my perspective I would have done the same thing that Lee did, if I were in his situation. I also for one would not want to be attacked by the magpie, because to me the beak looks not only sharp, but very long.
To learn more about this bird and its attack vist:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Donald Trump, Serious?

      After reading the article about Donald Trump's presidential campaign, I have realized that Trump will not be running for president. "After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the presidency, this decision does not come easily or without regret." Trump said on last Monday. At a tea party, in Boca Raton, Florida, Trump dropped the F-bomb to Obama. Trump thought before of running for president, in 1998, 2000, and 2004 stating that he "might", "considering it" and "very serious". Trump, was most "flirty" with the government, when it comes to politics. For more than twenty years, Trump has been considering a presidential campaign. Finally, Trump was not serious about the presidential campaign, and will not be running for president.

To learn more about Trump's non presidential campaign vist: